Join your neighbors on Thursday, Dec. 15 (rain date 12/16), at 5:45 at the entrance dome (47th St and 2nd Ave) to officially light the Holiday Tree and Menorah when Santa leads the children in a count-down. Festivities continue till 7PM.
Clad in Victorian costumes, the Manhattan Holiday Carolers perform a capella harmonies, spreading the joy with traditional favorites plus a sing-along. A dad from The Family School joins the celebration, playing the oud and singing a Hannukah-inspired song in Turkish.
Let your light shine with a FREE LED safe-flame candle. Enjoy hot chocolate and cookies at our hospitality tent.
IN CASE OF RAIN: Think English Christmas with umbrellas. The weather forecast for Thursday 12/15 and Friday 12/16 (rain date) predict off-on showers. Check FDHP and TBA websites for updates.